Aaniin Community Centre Mural - Niizhwaaswi Gagiikwewin

Lower Panel School: Middlefield High School, Primary Imagery: Turtle, Length: 29' 9", Height: 7'

Top Panel School: Unionville High School, Primary Imagery: Thunderbird, Length: 55' 1.5", Height: 5’.25”

Title: Niizhwaaswi Gagiikwewin / Seven Grandfather Teachings

Teaching: Seven Grandfather Teachings

Consulting Indigenous Artist: Tessa Shank, Anishinaabekwe Artist

Educators: Shane Clodd, Sandra Liau and Priscilla Li Kam Cheung

Participating Schools: Unionville High School (upper mural) and Middlefield Collegiate Institute (lower mural)

Coordination:  City of Markham

Materials: Powder Coated, Laser Cut Aluminum

Location: 5665 14th Ave, Markham, ON

Installation Date: June 2018

Fabricator: Steel Art Signs

Visual Art students from Unionville and Middlefield High Schools recently collaborated with Anishinaabe artist and Ontario College of Art and Design University graduate Tessa Shank on two laser-cut aluminum murals for the Aaniin Community Centre. The project, which was commissioned by the City of Markham's Recreation Services Department, was led by Shane Clodd and Sandra Liau, the Visual Arts Department Heads at Unionville and Middlefield.

The murals, which are installed in the Aaniin Community Centre, depict the Anishinaabeg (Ojibway) interpretation of Niizhwaaswi Gagiikwewin, or The Seven Grandfather Teachings. These teachings, which are commonly used as moral stepping-stones and act as the foundation for finding balance in both spirit and community, are represented by animals: Respect as the Buffalo, Wisdom as the Beaver, Humility as the Wolf, Honesty as the Raven, Courage as the Bear, Love as the Eagle, and Truth as the Turtle. Patterns of sevens and fours are repeated throughout the murals to emphasize the Seven Grandfather Teachings as well as the Four Direction Teachings.

The upper mural depicts The Seven Grandfather Teachings intertwined within the Earth and Sky realms, surrounded by two large Thunderbirds. Thunderbirds are believed to be messengers from the Creator and are associated with positive natural forces, reminding us of the sacred relationship we have with the Divine. The lower panel is an underwater narrative centered on a large turtle, representing the spirit realm. This turtle embodies the virtues of Truth and serves as a reminder of the story of creation and our spiritual connection to the Earth.

The representation of the Thunderbird and Turtle in the murals communicates the duality within the universe and the connection between spirit and the natural world. Through the wisdom of The Seven Grandfather Teachings, these powerful forces can be held in harmony to bring peace and balance within ourselves and our communities. These teachings remind us not only to nourish the well-being of self, but to strengthen the community as a whole.