Markham Museum - Honey House Restoration Project

Through this inquiry-based project students synthesized and applied their knowledge of: curatorial and restoration practices with current metittologist’s (bees) research acquired through their visit to the Markham Museum and the York Universities’ Packer Lab. Students studied connections between bees, the environment and sustainable agricultural farming practices for the purpose of creating six multimedia interactive artworks designed to support the Markham Museum’s education programs.

Types of Markham bee’s. High resolution images of bees courtesy of York Universities’ Packer Lab

Economic impact of pollinators - Touching 3D printed bees activates sound files

Illustration of bee’s life cycle

Interactive game illustrating one year in the life of a honey bee. Touch screen, raspberry pi and 3D printed bee hive suction cups provide game play

Methods for helping pollinators connected to sound files activated by touch

Screen with projection mapping of original video