Title: Stargazing

Artists: Rachel Voong, Kathy Chen, Elaine Liu, Nicole Lee

Our design surrounds itself around the concept of evolving our knowledge in space and technology, as well as exploration of the next 150 years of Canada. The design is an illustration of people stargazing at symbols portrayed through constellations. Each constellation individually represents a different contribution towards our future. Some represent past innovations that show our leading accomplishments, while others display current technologies that we hope to advance and see more of.

The maple leaf constellation in the middle serves as a significant symbol to Canada, showing unity and harmony between everyone and everything on this land. It is employed to show how we will develop as a generation and as a society. We hope the undying bond of Canadians will never be lost or ever forgotten. Each of the constellations tell a story of our country and the people on the bottom represent us; the new generation that will make a change. While learning about our past, present, and future, we will strive to be the innovative generation that will remain in history.

Title: Teleport!I (2018)

Artist: Erin Chan

The driving force of Canada's future lies in technological advancement. The invention of teleportation would transform our world into a global community, bringing about unity through cultural enlightenment. With people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds travelling to different places and experiencing others' lifestyles, we would have a greater understanding of one another. Moreover, people would have complete access to all resources, allowing those in need to reach the services they want. Teleport! asks viewers to consider the advantages teleportation could provide for all Canadian citizens.

Title: Above & Beyond

Artist: Iris Li

This traffic box wrap design depicts an alternate universe where the human lifestyle gets completely converted into space. As Earth begins to deteriorate, humans begin engineering a method allowing humans to pursue a sustainable lifestyle in space. This particular design portrays a futuristic and fantastical version of a society where technology is embraced and blended into humanity. Simple, mundane habits and objects remain the same but obtain an upgrade. The end of the present world acts as a gateway towards the rebirth of a new era.

Title: Technological Tapestry

Artists: Doris

In 150 years, many things will change as we further innovate our society. Technology will grow in complexity in all fields of society such as medicine, education, and urban development. We live in a world where technology is indispensable. We live in a world where people spend days looking at their computer screens; where people share good nights and good mornings through machinery that connects individuals separated by oceans. This strong attachment and love we possess for technology helps cast a glance into both the near and far future, where the integration of technology will only ever advance. It is a long road of invention and innovation, where no end is in sight. This vision of the future is showcased in the drawing, as everything is interconnected and interwoven. Our society, our technology, and our livelihoods, they are all dependent on each other. It reflects our society today with globalization, but undoubtedly for the future as well.

The white silhouettes of the people represent how although the future is ambiguous, one can declare without hesitation that Canada’s sense of unity and diversity will remain strong no matter the time and no matter the circumstances. We live under a constitution that protects the rights of the people, with healthcare that is accessible to all, and a strong community that supports one another with unfaltering strength. This is the image we share for the future of Canada; where the loving and kind spirit that Canada has come to be known for continues to strive.

The background is composed of iconic buildings in Markham. From the FLATO theatre to the Markham Civic Centre, they help showcase the beauty of our city and create a sense of pride as Markham citizens. They are buildings that help define Markham and will surely continue to for many more years to come. The group of people represents both a dream and a reality. It is a reality in the sense that we are currently living in this wonderful society as of now, where people are open and accepting, and yet it is a dream as we would wish for this to continue into the far future. It is our wishful thinking to dream that this sense of harmony, of solidarity and of peace, would be the reality for many future generations to come. The images are tied together, with the colours of Canada, with the colours of red and white. We have a vision and a dream, for a future that we predict will be just as brilliant today, for a country we are proud to call our own. The country of Canada.